Our Products

A passion for olives

Here we speak French, Spanish, Moroccan, Italian and Greek. We speak with passion and…appetite, because when it comes to olives, we’ve still got it! Seasoned or plain, jarred or packaged, our olives are all carefully selected from producers here and abroad, from whom we always ensure the quality of farming and harvesting. For olives with taste and character, we’d do anything!

French range

Our olives have the taste of cicada song, the smell of pine forests and the flavor of salt water. Our French olives are selected from local growers who guarantee us the highest quality in cultivation and harvesting. Le Brin d’Olivier processes over a hundred tons of French olives every year to ensure the presence of French olives on our shelves.

The Mediterranean range

The sweet smell of spices and the warm rays of the sun on the skin. Flavors from elsewhere, a journey through oriental colors. We offer a range of carefully selected olives from our Spanish producers in Murcia ,our Moroccan producers in Marrakech, Italian et Greek.

Olives in all their forms

For those who like pasta with olive oil, or olive oil with pasta, for those who hesitate for 3 hours between green and black tapenade, for those who end up with both… Our complementary range is made for you.


We could have started like this: “For us, innovation has no limits”. Instead, we’d like to start with something simple. Simple but authentic. Just like the ranges we develop and the aperitifs you’ve always enjoyed.


« Le Brin d’Olivier »

355 rue du Dr Dio

ZA Les Laurons

26110 Nyons

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